Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year

O joy joy joy... don't I look happy.

Friday, December 10, 2010

278.6mph, 448.36km/h, Worlds Fastest Turbo Charged Hayabusa Streetbike. On-board Video

Fast fast fast. click here.

At the Texas Mile, October 2010, Bill Warner of Wild Bros Racing goes 278.6 mph in a standing start mile, on a 650rwhp turbo charged Suzuki Hayabusa Streetbike. On board video taken facing rearward using an AiM Sports SmartyCam with in-video display of GPS speed. (sample rate of the in camera GPS does not allow recording of the top speed that was set in the timing traps)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Cowboy Boots

Bert always wanted a pair of authentic cowboy boots, so, seeing some on sale, he bought them and wore them home.  
Walking proudly, he sauntered into the kitchen and said to his wife, "Notice anything different about me?

Margaret looked him over. "Nope."  
Frustrated, Bert stormed off into the bathroom, undressed and walked back into the kitchen completely naked except for the boots.  
Again he asked Margaret, a little louder this time, "Notice anything different NOW?
Margaret looked up and said in her best deadpan, "Bert, what's different? It's hanging down today, it was hanging down yesterday, it'll be hanging down again tomorrow."

"Nope.  Not a clue", she replied.

Without missing a beat Margaret replied, 
"Shoulda bought a hat, Bert. Shoulda bought a hat." 

Thx S

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The maid asked for a raise.

The Madam was very upset about this and asked: "Now Maria, why do you want an increase?"

Maria: Well Madam, there are three reasons why I want an increase. The first is that I iron better than you.
Madam: "Who said you iron better than me?"

Maria: "The Master said so."
Madam: "Oh."

Maria: "The second reason is that I am a better cook than you."
Madam: "Nonsense, who said you were a better cook than I?"

Maria: "The Master did."
Madam: "Oh."

Maria: "My third reason is that I am a better lover than you."
Madam (very upset now): "Did the Master say so as well?"

Maria: "No Madam, the gardener did."


Thx Big Al

Friday, December 3, 2010

Ten Thoughts to Ponder

Ten Thoughts to Ponder

Number 10

Life is sexually transmitted.

Number 9

Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at
 which one can die.

Number 8

Men have two emotions: Hungry and Horny.
If you see him without an erection, make him a sandwich

Number 7

Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day.  Teach a
 person to use the Internet and they will not bother you for weeks.

Number 6

Some people are like a Slinky
 ... not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you shove them down the stairs.

Number 5

Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals,
 dying of nothing.

Number 4

All of us could take a lesson from the weather.
It pays no attention to criticism.

Number 3

Why does a slight tax increase cost you $200.00, and a substantial tax cut saves you $30.00?

Number 2

In the 60's, people took acid to make the world weird.
Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal.

And The Number 1 Thought

Life is like a jar of Jalapeno peppers;  Indulge carefully, what you do today, might burn your ass tomorrow.

- - - and as someone recently said to me:
"Do not worry about old age; it does not last"

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

At the Camp

We had a great day at the camp, except Rizzly would not go in the deep water.

From the Deck

What great weather for the first of December, we are going to go for a scoot later.

Growing Old jokes

Two elderly ladies are sitting on the front porch, doing nothing.
One lady turns and asks, 'Do you still get horny?'
The other replies, 'Oh sure I do.'
The first old lady asks, 'What do you do about it?'
The second old lady replies, 'I suck a lifesaver.'
After a few moments, the first old lady asks, 'Who drives you to the beach?'
Three old ladies were sitting side by side in their retirement home reminiscing. The first lady recalled shopping at the green grocers and demonstrated with her hands, the length and thickness of a cucumber she could buy for a penny.
 The second old lady nodded, adding that onions used to be much bigger and cheaper also, and demonstrated the size of two big onions she could buy for a penny a piece..
The third old lady remarked, 'I can't hear a word you're saying, but I remember the guy you're talking about.
A little old lady was sitting on a park bench. A man walked over and sits down on the other end of the bench. After a few moments, the woman asks, 'Are you a stranger here?'
He replies, 'I lived here years ago.'
'So, where were you all these years?'
'In prison,' he says.
'Why did they put you in prison?'
He looked at her, and very quietly said, 'I killed my wife.'
'Oh!' said the woman. 'So you're single...?!'
Two elderly people, he was a widower and she a widow, had known each other for a number of years. One evening there was a community supper in the big arena in the Clubhouse.
The two were at the same table, across from one another. As the meal went on, he took a few admiring glances at her and finally gathered the courage to ask her, 'Will you marry me?'
After about six seconds of 'careful consideration,' she answered 'Yes. Yes, I will!'
The meal ended and, with a few more pleasant exchanges, they went to their respective places. Next morning, he was troubled. 'Did she say 'yes' or did she say 'no'?'
He couldn't remember. Try as he might, he just could not recall. Not even a faint memory. With trepidation, he went to the telephone and called her..
First, he explained that he didn't remember as well as he used to. Then he reviewed the lovely evening past.. As he gained a little more courage, he inquired, 'When I asked if you would marry me, did you say ' Yes' or did you say 'No'?'
He was delighted to hear her say, 'Why, I said, 'Yes, yes I will' and I meant it with all my heart.' Then she continued, 'And I am so glad that you called, because I couldn't remember who had asked me.'
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
A man was telling his neighbour, 'I just bought a new hearing aid. It cost me four thousand dollars, but it's state of the art. It's perfect.'
'Really,' answered the neighbour. 'What kind is it?'
'Twelve thirty.'
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
A little old man shuffled into an ice cream parlour  , and pulled himself slowly, painfully, up onto a stool.
After catching his breath he ordered a banana split.
The waitress asked kindly, 'Crushed nuts?'
'No,' he replied, 'hemorrhoids

Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! 
Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably.. 
And never regret anything that made you smile
The best things in life are free until the government finds out and taxes it.

My final wishes:
I want to die nice and peacefully in my sleep like my Grandfather did.  Not screaming in terror like the other passengers riding in his car!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Best Taxi Ever!!

This is the desktop of the day at The Smoking Tire ,I agree.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

World Changers

I'm speaking about devices or gadgets that change the world  we live in drastically, in my opinion anyway.
The automobile, computer, and cell phones are examples of what I am talking about. Here is another,...

Be sure to click the link below.

GM HY-Wire "Car of the Future"

Friday, November 5, 2010

Audi A-1 e-tron concept car

This car reportly recharges in 6 minutes, and drove 375 miles without a recharge!! The full report can be found here,
If this is made available by 2013 it will change the auto market.
I will be lining up for mine soon.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

MyWay scooter

Looks very good, the rear hubmotor is the bomb.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Early sighting PPV?

PPV (Portable Patrol Vehicle)? 

It has been said that The New York Police Department has ordered several of these specially equipped Goped s. The handlebars have been modified and rear brakes have been added, also the rear rack is an option. It seems that it is the lipo model, which is very good. Way to go Patmont Motor Werks. I really hope that they become part of the police departments vehicles!

green-autoblog article

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Words to Live By-A very important list

ONE. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully. 

TWO. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other. 

THREE. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want

FOUR. When you say, 'I love you,' mean it. 

FIVE. When you say, 'I'm sorry,' look the person in the eye. 

SIX. Be engaged at least six months before you get married

SEVEN. Believe in love at first sight.

EIGHT. Never laugh at any one's dreams. People who don't have dreams don't have much.

NINE. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely. 

TEN.. In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling.

ELEVEN. Don't judge people by their relatives. 

TWELVE. Talk slowly but think quickly. 

THIRTEEN! ... When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, 'Why do you want to know?'

FOURTEEN. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk. 

FIFTEEN. Say 'bless you' when you hear someone sneeze.

SIXTEEN. When you lose, don't lose the lesson. 

SEVENTEEN. Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.

EIGHTEEN. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.

NINETEEN. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.

TWENTY. Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice. 

Spend some time alone.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Newfoundland - Who Knew?

I'm sure you know some folk that you can impress with all this great knowledge!
If you're a Newfie, you should be proud! If you aren't a Newfie..... I bet you wish you were!
Here are a few tidbits of information that you may never have known before:
WE WERE . . . .
The first province to respond to Titanic distress signal.
But not a province yet. The first to vaccinate for smallpox.
The first to host a transatlantic flight. Alcock and Brown in June,1919
The first to have wireless communication in the world. Marconi from Signal Hill to England Dec 12, 1901.

The first place to discover proof of the theory of continental drift. Location Trout River.

WE HAVE . . . The oldest street in North America.

The oldest English speaking city in North America. Formally established as a community in 1583 by Humphry Gilbert.

The oldest rock in the world. A very rare exposed layer of the earth's mantle over 500 million years old.

The oldest continuous sporting event (Regatta Day rules! ) This event dates back to 1816 and possibly back to the 1700's.

The largest university in Atlantic Canada. With it's enrollement of 17,000 students, it is only slightly smaller than the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon which has 18,600 students.

The most pubs per square foot in Canada (George Street) Good night life for some.
The longest running radio program in North America. Fisherman's broadcast.
Caught the world's largest invertebrate (giant squid)

WE ARE. . . .
~ the funniest people in Canada (ask anybody)

~ the sexiest people in Canada (MacLean's magazine survey)

~ the only Province that has four identifiable flags

~ the only Province able to land the space shuttle (Stephenville and Gander)

~ the most giving people in Canada (Stats Canada)

~ the most sexually active people in all of Canada (what else are we gonna do!!)

~ built the world's first artificial ice arena

~ invented the gas mask

~ was once governor of northern Rhodesia

~ was with Abraham Lincoln at Gettysburg


~ encyclopaedia

~ dictionary

~ pony

~ dogs

~ cultural publication
By reading this, you now know more about Newfoundland than.... well, almost everyone!
Send this along to all your friends and let them know what a great place the Rock really is!
If you are a proud Newfie.... you will definitely send this along to others....
and if you are not a Newfie.... you probably wish you were!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Should the US sell GM to China?

Should the US sell GM to China? is the question posed in this article, I am hoping that this is just a cruel joke.

Just as they are starting to rebuild, and then this idea drops from the sky.
In my opinion this is stupidity taken to a new level of political ineptitude. The American auto industry can wave goodbye if this 61% sale is finalized.

I know that I am just a dog with an opinion, but i think I'm smarter than the idiot who wants this sale to be signed away. Woof woof.

Photo provided by PicApp.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Your Choice?

How would you like to travel home, front or back seat?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Paintings by Morlock

They all are originals on canvas, done by one of my favorite artists Jeff Whitehead.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Good Times original print

I contacted the photographer Matt Veno, and he was kind enough to send us this.
Thanks Matt

Thursday, August 26, 2010


This August has 5 Sundays, 5 Mondays, 5 Tuesdays, all in one month.

It happens once in 823 years.

I probably will miss it next time!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Local News

We made page2 today.

Monday, August 23, 2010



One evening an old Man told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.

He said, "My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all.

"One is Evil - It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

"The other is Good - It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: "Which wolf wins?"

The old Man simply replied, "The one you feed."

Thx Al

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Friday, August 20, 2010

Todd and Rizzly on the deck

Just after a long hike in the park.
Thanks to Tim Van Horne

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Rizzly playing Dot

Playin in the Park

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day in the Park

With his new friend.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday, February 1, 2010

Pass The Butter .. Please.

This is interesting . .. .

Margarine was originally manufactured to fatten turkeys. When it killed the turkeys, the people who had put all the money into the research wanted a payback so they put their heads together to figure out what to do with this product to get their money back.
It was a white substance with no food appeal so they added the yellow colouring and sold it to people to use in place of butter. How do you like it? They have come out with some clever new flavourings..

DO YOU KNOW.. The difference between margarine and butter?

Read on to the end...gets very interesting!

Both have the same amount of calories.

Butter is slightly higher in saturated fats at 8 grams; compared to 5 grams for margarine.

Eating margarine can increase heart disease in women by 53% over eating the same amount of butter, according to a recent Harvard Medical Study.

Eating butter increases the absorption of many other nutrients in other foods.

Butter has many nutritional benefits where margarine has a few and
only because they are added!

Butter tastes much better than margarine and it can enhance the flavours of other foods.

Butter has been around for centuries where margarine has been around for less than 100 years .

And now, for Margarine..

Very High in Trans fatty acids.

Triples risk of coronary heart disease .
Increases total cholesterol and LDL (this is the bad cholesterol) and lowers HDL cholesterol, (the good cholesterol)

Increases the risk of cancers up to five times..

Lowers quality of breast milk.

Decreases immune response.
Decreases insulin response.

And here's the most disturbing fact.... HERE IS THE PART THAT IS VERY INTERESTING!

Margarine is but ONE MOLECULE away from being PLASTIC... and shares 27 ingredients with PAINT

These facts alone were enough to have me avoiding margarine for life and anything else that is hydrogenated (this means hydrogen is added, changing the molecular structure of the substance).

You can try this yourself:

Purchase a tub of margarine and leave it open in your garage or shaded area. Within a couple of days you will notice a couple of things:

* no flies, not even those pesky fruit flies will go near it (that should tell you something)

* it does not rot or smell differently because it has no nutritional value ; nothing will grow on it. Even those teeny weeny microorganisms will not a find a home to grow. Why? Because it is nearly plastic . Would you melt your Tupperware and spread that on your toast?

Share This With Your Friends.....(If you want to butter them up')!

Chinese Proverb: When someone shares something of value with you and you benefit from it, you have a moral obligation to share it with others.

Thx for this S